CentralNic Reseller Homepage
CentralNic Reseller Homepage


API commands

Please find in the following a set of the most commonly used standard API commands in order to register, modify, renew, and transfer a domain name.

Domain Registration

(API Command reference » AddDomain)
command         = AddDomain
domain          = yourdomain.lv
period          = (INT)
ownercontact0   = (CONTACT)
admincontact0   = (CONTACT)
techcontact0    = (CONTACT)
billingcontact0 = (CONTACT)
nameserver0	= (NAMESERVER)
nameserver1 	= (NAMESERVER)
X-LV-VATNR       = (TEXT)

Domain Modification

(API Command reference » ModifyDomain)
command = ModifyDomain
domain  = yourdomain.lv

Domain Renewal

RenewDomain is not available for .lv TLDs.

.lv domains cannot be renewed explicitly. To renew a .lv domain you have to set the domain renewal mode or default renewal mode to AUTORENEW or RENEWONCE.

Domain Deletion

(API Command reference » DeleteDomain)
COMMAND = DeleteDomain
DOMAIN = yourdomain.lv

Domain Transfer

(API Command reference » TransferDomain)
command = TransferDomain
domain = yourdomain.lv
action = REQUEST
auth = (TEXT)
nameserver[0-5] = (NAMESERVER) (optional)

A .lv domain transfer must be initiated with a so-called authorization code, which can be obtained from the current registrar and the expiration date needs to be more than 30 days in the future.

Domain Restore

(API Command reference » RestoreDomain)
command = RestoreDomain
domain  = yourdomain.lv

Domain Extensions

X-LV-ADMIN-REGNRFor administrative contacts who are Latvian citizens,(mandatory; Please write the Admins Registration number in the right format: DDMMYY-NNNNN)
X-LV-OWNER-REGNRRegistration number; required parameter for Latvian Owner contacts (mandatory; Please write the Owners Registration number in the right format 11 digits: 01236547890)
X-LV-VATNRFor legal contacts, only mandatory for Latvian organizations

Domain Restrictions

  • Any natural or legal person from any country may obtain rights to use a particular domain name under .LV. To enter into an agreement the natural person has to be at least 18 years old.
  • The administrative contact must be a natural person(No legal person, otherwise it will be rejected).
  • If the ownercontact is a private person, the admincontact needs to be the same contacthandle.

IDN Information

Latvian characters are supported.

We domains